Title: Troy (Truva)

View Description: Views of the surrounding area near Troy


  • Temples
  • Amphitheaters (Built works)
  • City Walls

Culture: Greek; Roman; Mycenaean

Period: Bronze Age; Mycenaean; Roma

Century: CE

Country: Turkey

Current Site: Troy, TUR

Creation Site: Troy, TUR

Original Site: Troy, TUR

Discovery Site: Troy, TUR


  • [Creation Notes] The city of Troy, also known as Truva, has been populated nine different times and consists of nine different settlements dating back to the Late Bronze Age between 3000-2400 BCE. It was successively settled by Mycenaeans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans. Troy was considered a mythical place until its discovery in the nineteenth century by Heinrich Schliemann.
  • [Description Notes] Several layers of ruins are excavated and on display dating to the various eras of settlement.

Category: Archaeological Sites

Work Type: Ancient City Ruins