Title: Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square)
View Description: view of the facade of the Biblioteca Marciana
Creator: Anonymous
Culture: Venetian; Italian; French
Period: Byzantine; Napolean
Century: CE
Country: Italy
Current Site: Venice, ITA
- [Creation Notes] The Piazza originated in the 9th century as a small area in front of the original St Mark’s Basilica. It was enlarged to its present size and shape in 1177, when the Rio Batario, which had bounded it to the west, and a dock, which had isolated the Doge’s Palace from the square, were filled in. The rearrangement was for the meeting of Pope Alexander III and the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The Piazza has always been seen as the centre of Venice. It was the location of all the important offices of the Venetian state, and has been the seat of the archbishopric since the 19th century. It was also the focus for many of Venice’s festivals.
Category: Architecture
Work Type: Piazza