Title: General views of Bursa and the surrounding region

View Description: General views of Bursa and the surrounding region.

Culture: Turkish; Ottoman; Byzantine

Period: Ottoman; Byzantine

Century: CE

Country: Turkey

Current Site: Bursa, TUR

Creation Site: Bursa, TUR

Original Site: Bursa, TUR


  • [Provenance Notes] Bursa is an old city dating back to 183 CE as the Bythian capital of Prusias I. It was then favored by both the Romans and Byzantines because of its wonderful hot springs. It was then made the first capital of the Ottoman Empire in 1326 when it was conquered by the Ottomans from the Byzantines and given its current name of Bursa. It was the capital of the Ottomans for only 50 years but it still carried a favored status among subsequent Ottoman sultans.

Category: City Plans and Views