Title: Chieza di Redentore (Church of the Redeemer)

View Description: general view along shoreline

Creator: Anonymous

Culture: Venetian

Period: Medieval

Century: CE

Country: Italy

Current Site: Venice, ITA


  • [Creation Notes] The Chieza di Redentorewas founded to call upon the Redeemer to deliver the city of Venice from a serious outbreak of the plague from 1575-1576. The church is sited on the island of the Giudecca in a position where it is clearly visible from the Piazetta di San Marco. The Venetian Senate promised that every year the Doge would cross the Canale della Giudecca on a bridge of boats to give homage to Christ the Redeemer, and the church massing and facade were designed as the culminating point of this annual procession.

Category: Architecture

Work Type: Church